As the victim of a violent knife attack fights for his life in hospital, Crime Scene Coordinator Jo Ward is dispatched to his home in Birmingham to lead the forensic investigation into identifying his attacker. The victim is unable to tell police what happened because he has been put in a medically induced coma, and the investigation becomes more challenging when no witnesses are prepared to give a statement to the police. Jo and her team work to gather vital evidence that could help police quickly identify and arrest the attacker.
2 - 1An Admission Of Murder February 09, 2021
2 - 2Stabbed in the Park February 16, 2021
2 - 3Murder at the Party February 23, 2021
2 - 4Fatal Weapon Unknown July 06, 2021
2 - 5Indecent Exposure July 13, 2021
2 - 6Standard of Evidence July 20, 2021
2 - 7Killer in the Car Park December 06, 2021